sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

Calcium Citrate - 1kg Pure Powder

Calcium Citrate comes in the form of a vaguely tart salt-like compound made up of Citric Acid and Calcium. It is used as an additive in food to impart that tart flavor into various dishes, aside from its main usage as a supplement with health benefits. It can also be used as a preservative and a way to soften water.Calcium Citrate and Calcium Carbonate both contain Calcium, but while Calcium Carbonate may be the most popularly used form of Calcium supplement, this does not make it accessible to everyone. Calcium Citrate is a perfect alternative to Calcium Carbonate for those that have weak or sensitive stomachs, or other gastrointestinal disorders, since the Calcium Carbonate is more likely to cause stomach upset when used. Calcium Citrate may even be fully digested by people that have a gastric acid deficiency in their bodies.Because Calcium is found the most throughout the human body of any other mineral, it is absolutely essential to maintain high levels of Calcium in order for the body to function properly. Osteoporosis, or as it is sometimes called, 'brittle bone syndrome', is caused when there is a Calcium deficiency in the body. Whenever levels of Calcium have hit a low, Calcium will actually be extracted from the bones to redistribute throughout the body in an attempt to level out. Processes such as blood clotting and nerve impulse transmission need to be fueled by Calcium in order to operate properly. On top of that Calcium is also important for the purposes of maintaining strong bones and teeth as well as muscle contraction. Calcium can also be useful in the binding and neutralization of generally harmful molecules in the body.One of the largest sources of Calcium is in dairy, with just one small serving of dairy containing about 300mg, or one fourth of the total daily value for Calcium. However, Calcium is also found in many other natural sources such as seaweed, nuts, legumes, and quinoa. Despite its wide distribution throughout the food pyramid, some people still suffer from Hypocalcemia (or Vitamin D deficiency) which causes issues with Calcium absorption. This is because Calcium can only be correctly absorbed by the body with the help of Vitamin D. A good Calcium rich diet or supplement routine should still include appropriate levels of Vitamin D in it for this reason. Health Benefits Provided by Calcium CitrateAs mentioned before, Calcium is an essential ingredient in the processes of blood coagulation, proper energy production, and glandular secretion. It also helps in keeping up strong bones, unstained teeth and efficient functioning of the immune system. Discounted at only: US$ 26.96

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