marți, 5 iulie 2016

Copper Gluconate Anhydrous 1% - 1kg Pure Powder

This mineral can be found in a diverse array of sources including liver, other organs, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seafood, particularly oysters. It passes throughout the various areas of the body via a special protein known as Ceruloplasmin.Copper must be supplemented and must have adequate levels maintained as it is essential in numerous bodily functions which are all necessary in sustaining life and health. Copper deficiency can lead to a whole host of issues. There are a few different supplement forms that Copper is present in as a mode of delivery for Copper, including Cupric Oxide, Copper Aspartate, Copper Citrate and Copper Sulfate just to name a few. Those that have a Zinc rich diet should be especially wary of their Copper levels, as Copper and Zinc can compete for bodily absorption. This means that a diet that has too much of one mineral will have drastically low levels of the other. The key is to find a balance between the two.The Gluconic Acid present in this mixture is not corrosive. It has mild effects and is organically derived from sources like fruit, kombucha, wine, and honey. The taste of it can be a bit sour, but this allows it to act as a great complement to wine, or various fruit juices. It is used in foods to help reduce levels of overall acidity and is used in some low grade cleaning products in order to help dissolve mineral buildup.Health Benefits Provided by Copper GluconateAs Copper is the third most abundant mineral found in the human body, it must be present in large quantities in order to maintain generally high levels of health and adequate performance of normal bodily functions including bone growth, and protection of the skeletal and cardiovascular systems. To fully make use of the benefits of Iron, Copper is needed, and it is also a necessary component in near 50 other enzymes which must have Copper in order to work. Copper is a nutrient which is needed in the synthesis of Collagen, and Hemoglobin.Copper works in conjunction with Zinc and Vitamin C in order to form proteins which both build up and protect various types of tissue and also add to their flexibility and elasticity, not to mention that it is generally useful in the maintenance of healthy skin and bones, joints, and blood vessels.Copper is an antioxidant which helps to neutralize free radicals that go around threatening to cause damage to healthy cells, and copper is essential in the creation of Adenosine Triphosphate, which is a form of energy that the body uses for power.Melanin, a skin pigment that determines the color that the hair, eyes, and skin take on, is also dependent upon large levels of Copper. When the hair begins to gray and the skin begins to grow paler due to the Copper deficiency that occurs during old age, the process may be counteracted somewhat by supplementing this mineral.Copper is a restorative agent that is crucial in helping skin maintain its elasticity and is one of the many active ingredients in most topical creams that can be bought commercially. It is one of the many factors that have an effect on the youthful appearance of the skin.While a person may not be considered deficient if they take less than the normal amount of Copper every day, there are many people that are not making use of the overwhelming list of benefits offered by Copper simply because they do not take enough. This is where supplementation may be useful, particularly for those that consume very much alcohol. Discounted at only: US$ 31.25

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