sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

N-Acetyl L-Carnosine - 25g Pure Powder

N-acetyl L-carnosine (NAC) also has antioxidant properties which keep healthy cells protected from the damage that could be done by harmful free radicals. NAC is particularly useful in the eye lenses as it stops the peroxidation and glycosylation of lipids.For those that are not familiar with what this means, oxidation is the name given to the metabolism of oxygen. The metabolism of oxygen is what eventually leads to the accidental formation of free radicals, which in turn go on to harm the body. Therefore, NAC is instrumental in the indirect prevention of free radical damage.The name glycosylation is given to the process involving protein oxidation via sugar. While the technical details of this are fairly complicated, the end result is a reduction in cell functionality and the overall possibility of cell death.It is very important not to confuse N-acetyl L-carnosine with either Acetyl L-Carnosine or L-Carnitine. This is because the latter two are amino acids which are completely different from N-acetyl L-carnosine and do not have nearly the same effects as N-acetyl L-carnosine.Health Benefits Provided by N-Acetyl L-CarnosineN-acetyl L-carnosine is an amino acid that possesses the properties of a strong antioxidant which protects against free radicals. NAC can reduce the level of lactic acid that collects in muscle tissue, thereby reducing the amount of damage done to muscle tissue over time. Indirectly this can influence the ability of athletes to perform more effectively.Carnosine can be manufactured by the body to some extent through the bond that takes place during the synthesis of alanine and histidine. Carnisine may be found in many different bodily tissues including skeletal muscles, the stomach, brain, and skin among others. Discounted at only: US$ 84.50

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