sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) - 100g Pure Powder

Vitamin D3 is sometimes referred to as its scientific name, Cholecalciferol. There are two different sources of the hormone which regulates the body's production and consumption of calcium. This includes Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) and Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol). However, the latter is generally thought if as an inferior source; usually found in oily fish, fortified milk and various other dairy and grains.The reason that Vitamin D3 is generally preferred to Vitamin D2 is that it is more easily absorbed by the body, and more commonly found as it is naturally produced and it also has a greater overall effect.Vitamin D levels are moderated by the sunlight, as there is a chemical contained in the skin which can absorb the Vitamin D being radiated out through the sun's rays. Simply being in the sun for fifteen minutes at a time can supply the body with up to 5,000 IU of Vitamin D. As a fat soluble vitamin, it can also be found in food with high fat content, particularly oily fish and other animal products. Its solubility in oil allows it to be stored in the body to some extent as well.Health Benefits Provided by Vitamin D3Not having enough Vitamin D3 in your system can lead to a deficiency which has a variety of negative side effects associated with it. Rickets, a disease resulting in deformation of bones and teeth, is quite common in children that have low Vitamin D3 levels. Adults with low Vitamin D3 can develop a condition called Osteomalacia (a disease with similar effects to Rickets); or the more common Osteoporosis, which causes bone weakness as calcium is taken out of the bones steadily and provided to other parts of the body that need it.Vitamin D does not only promote the absorption of calcium but also of magnesium, another mineral essential to good growth. Vitamin D is necessary in the metabolic process of Vitamin A and it is needed for the body to process phosphorous correctly. All of the health benefits that Vitamin D provides to the body are part of one much larger procedure whose main goal is to preserve the density of bone and teeth structures.This vitamin, along with Vitamin A, is useful in treatment of children and of the elderly who have developed Rickets. It may even be useful to women who have just gone through menopause, as menopause can sometimes result in a slight to significant loss of bone density if adequate levels of Vitamin D3 are not maintained. Discounted at only: US$ 12.96

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