joi, 23 noiembrie 2017

Saline V Framed Photography Art Print

Saline V, Photographer Paul Hoelen

At One Fine Print we partner with bold and innovative photographers from around Australia, we hand-pick beautiful, distinctive images that we know you'll love as much as we do.

Our prints belong with you; not on a gallery wall in a stark, intimidating space, where one must speak in hushed tones. Our prints are best enjoyed in a warm, inviting place where you can kick off your shoes, host loud dinner parties and snuggle on the couch.

One Fine Print art prints are all Pigment on Rag/cotton' or 'Giclee Prints'. Our photographs are all printed on high-quality, museum-grade cotton papers and the frames are made from quality Tasmanian oak mouldings, matted and immaculately presented. There are two sizes available: black or raw finish.

Framed Size
102cm x 79cm
133cm x 100cm

Delivered and ready to hang in black OR raw Tasmanian oak frames.

Buy it today at ONLY: 1550 AUD
Discount Coupon
Saline V Framed Photography Art Print

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