joi, 30 martie 2017

Kiwiherb De-Stuff for Kids - 50ml

Kiwiherb has formulated De-Stuff for kids to provide immune support, particularly targeting the upper respiratory tract including the nose, ears and throat. This gentle and effective formula can be used in children from 0-12yrs for relieving mild infections where there is excessive mucous and congestion. Kiwiherb uses only the highest quality ingredients in their products and all herbs including Elderflower, Ribwort and Echinacea are organically grown in New Zealand. This herbal formulation is well tolerated by children as it is mildly sweetened with apple juice concentrate as well as peppermint and orange oils. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. Use only as directed. Always read the label. A tingle in the mouth can be experienced with this product due to the Echinacea and is indicative of the high quality of this plant. Made in New Zealand. Certified Organic. Gluten-free & Vegan. Buy it today at ONLY: 23.95
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Kiwiherb De-Stuff for Kids - 50ml

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