joi, 30 martie 2017

The Healthy Life by Jessica Sepel - The Healthy Life Book

A nutritionist, health blogger and wellness coach, Jessica Sepel knows what she is talking about when it comes to The Healthy Life. She spent years struggling with her relationship with food; over-exercising and addicted to dieting, she knew she had to change her outlook. She now knows how to be at peace with food, and her book aims to help you feel the same. She believes that eating the right foods can help create glowing skin, a healthy gut, a slimmer waistline, while helping you get more from your night's sleep and giving you more energy. She uses ten powerful principles to help you heal your relationship with food, and as well as lots of nutritious, delicious recipes, she also shares her tips for skin, hair and beauty. Buy it today at ONLY: 34.95
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The Healthy Life by Jessica Sepel - The Healthy Life Book

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