joi, 30 martie 2017

Bake Mixes Chewy Cacao-Chip Muesli Bar Mix - 250g

The Chewy Cacao-Chip Muesli Bar Mix from Bake Mixes is a delicious muesli bar mixture made up of organic whole foods to create a sugar-free alternative to mainstream products. The nutritious mix of Rolled Oats, puffed Buckwheat and Raw Cacao Nibs should be combined with coconut oil and a sweetener of either maple syrup or honey to create a chewy, tasty treat that will last for up to two weeks in the fridge. Made in Australia. Certified Organic, Vegan-friendly. Buy it today at ONLY: 12.95
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Bake Mixes Chewy Cacao-Chip Muesli Bar Mix - 250g

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