joi, 30 martie 2017

Jack n' Jill Toothpaste - Blueberry - 50g

This Jack n' Jill Toothpaste in Blueberry flavour contains natural ingredients, including Xylitol and Calendula to help fight tooth decay and soothe gums. The delicious fruity blueberry flavour helps to encourage children to spend time brushing their teeth, and is a good alternative for those that don't like mint. Made in Australia, Certified Cruelty-free, Vegan, Gluten-free, Fluoride Free, SLS Free. Buy it today at ONLY: 6.95
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Jack n' Jill Toothpaste - Blueberry - 50g

Un comentariu:

  1. Hi,

    I really like your blog post mainly about Jack n Jill Toothpaste.

    By switching to a natural toothpaste like Jack N’ Jill you are safely and organically taking your oral care to the next level. Natural toothpastes effectively clean, strengthen, and protect teeth and gums without using chemicals, additives, and preservatives that can aggravate the gums and teeth.
